People overestimate how aware their employees are of cyber threats
There is only one way to see if your employees are cyber aware. We offer you a free phishing test of ⏠750 and find out how your human firewall is performing.
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âThe uptick in training participation has been fantastic. Employees have even set up their own little Guardey competitions internally. So we have the company-wide leaderboard, but the teams themselves are now even having their little competitions in Microsoft Teams group chats. Guardey has brought out the competitive nature in them.â
âOur cyber insurance company AIG requires us to train our staff. They really like the fact that we use Guardey because you train every week and you learn about a wide range of different cyber security topics.â
âTogether with the Guardey team, we came up with an email centered around a Christmas gift voucher that we send out every year. I was curious about how our employees would react. It turns out that quite a few employees clicked the phishing link and even entered personal data. This made it clear that we had to start training security awareness.â
âGuardey doesnât require a lot of time investment from users. We strictly looked at that because many of the teachers already have full calendars. One Guardey challenge takes no more than 5 minutes.â