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Test your human firewall with a spear phishing simulation

Our spear phishing simulation shows how your employees react to phishing emails, so you can offer sufficient training.

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Learn how employees react to social engineering

Most phishing simulation providers use standardized templates. Guardey uses social engineering to create tailor-made emails that are difficult to separate from the real deal.


→ Learn why most phishing simulations do more harm than good (and how we’re fixing it)

Phishing is the number one cyber threat

A spear phishing simulation is the fastest way to find out how well your team is prepared for a targeted phishing attack based on social engineering.

3.4 billion

phishing mails are sent daily


of emails sent in 2022 were spam


of all cyber-attacks are phishing

Get a complete phishing threat report

Learn how many employees opened the email, clicked the phishing link, and left personal data.

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Don't take our word for it

“Together with the Guardey team, we came up with an email centered around a Christmas gift voucher that we send out every year. I was curious about how our employees would react. It turns out that quite a few employees clicked the phishing link and even entered personal data. This made it clear that we had to start training security awareness.”

Marcel Versluis

IT manager
View Case Study

“After receiving a lot of phishing emails, we decided to do a phishing test last year to test the cyber awareness of our employees. During this test, we sent fake emails to see how many would click a possibly harmful link. The result? 29.4% did, which was higher than expected. After using Guardey for only a few weeks the scores had improved by 84%.”

Guardey customer quote - Oke BV

Michael van Nol

Algemeen Directeur
View Case Study

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between spear phishing and regular phishing?

Phishing is a generic cyber attack casting a wide net with generic messages, while spear phishing is a targeted and sophisticated approach. Spear phishing tailors messages to specific individuals or organizations, using personalized information and social engineering. This makes spear phishing much more convincing and likely to succeed.

Why doesn’t Guardey use templates for phishing simulations?

Spear phishing is a phishing method where phishers research their target carefully. They use the information they have gathered and social engineering techniques to then get the target to click on a malicious link. And since templated phishing simulations don’t use these techniques, they’re simply not preparing your employees for the real cyber risks that they face. At best, they give both the security officer and the employees a false sense of security.

Should spear phishing simulations be combined with training?

Absolutely. While spear phishing simulations test your team’s phishing awareness, the right security awareness training helps your team to recognize phishing and take the right actions when confronted with it.

Why is understanding the risk of spear phishing important?

Phishing is the number one cyber threat for all organizations. Many employees tend to overestimate their ability to recognize phishing, which makes them vulnerable to targeted attacks.