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Decrease your greatest risk factor

95% of data leaks and hacks are caused by human mistakes.

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Create sustainable behavioral change in cyber awareness with Guardey's game

Complete weekly challenges

Enrich your cybersecurity knowledge through weekly challenges that can be done in 2 to 3 minutes.

Work together with colleagues

In the Guardey game, each employee starts their own fictional company. Score points and compete with your colleagues.

Obtain achievements and earn certificates

Good work is rewarded. There are more than 100 different achievements and certificates to earn.

With the help of a well-organized Learning Management System, you keep track of your organization's progress.

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Increase knowledge about cyber threats

With the Guardey Game we train your employees so they become more aware and smarter about cybersecurity in a exciting and accessible way.


Cyber leaks and hacks due human error

207 days

Time to detect an average burglary


Increase in cybercrime in 2022 vs. 2021

Guardey customer quote - Oke BV

After using Guardey for only a few weeks, three main values were defined:

Improved knowledge retention: Employees note that they feel more confident that what they’re learning sticks with them because they are doing a short challenge every week.

Increased engagement: The team is excited to do the challenge every week and see who is on top of the leaderboard.

Better phishing test scores: When Oké Groep did another phishing test recently, the scores had improved by 84%.

Michael van Nol
CEO Oké Groep
Awareness training framework
Protection of information

The Role of Awareness Training

Awareness Training is important for any business. In addition to awareness about cybersecurity and the importance of careful handling of data, employees must also be aware of the specific processes and responsibilities involved in information security. This makes Awareness Training a requirement under ISO 27001/27002, NIS2 and the GDPR, which every organization has to deal with.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is gamification?

Gamification is adding game elements into non-game environments, such as security awareness training, to increase participation and foster active learning.

What are the benefits of gamification in security awareness training?

Traditional security awareness training can often be dry and boring. With gamification, the complex subject matter is transformed into an engaging and memorable experience.

By integrating game elements such as challenges, quizzes and rewards, it incentivizes users to actively learn. This makes the training more enjoyable and fosters a sense of competition and achievement. This combination drives better retention and application of cyber security knowledge.

Why is it important to train security awareness on a weekly basis?

Research shows that up to 90% of the learnings from yearly or even quarterly training are forgotten within a few weeks. Guardey was built to keep its users aware of cyber threats 365 days a year. The game comes with short, weekly challenges that slowly builds up the user’s knowledge and eventually drives lasting behavior change.

Which topics are covered in Guardey’s security awareness game?

Guardey covers a wide array of topics to train users about all currently relevant cyber threats, put together in collaboration with ethical hackers and educationalists. The topics covered include phishing, remote work, password security, CEO fraud, ransomware, smishing, and much more.

How much time do the weekly challenges take?

Every challenge takes up to three minutes to complete.

Can I use Guardey to comply with the ISO27001, NIS2, and GDPR security awareness policies?

Yes. ISO27001, NIS2, and GDPR all require that all employees receive appropriate security awareness training. Guardey is always up-to-date with the latest cyber threats, policies, and procedures.

Is security awareness training important for all employees, or just specific roles?

Cybersecurity awareness training is crucial for all employees, not just specific roles. Every staff member can potentially be a target or an unwitting entry point for cyber attacks. Training helps create a security-focused culture and minimizes risks for the entire organization.

While certain roles may require specialized training, a foundational level of training should be accessible to everyone.

In which languages is Guardey available?

Guardey is available in English, Dutch, Italian, French, Spanish, German, Polish, Swedish and Danish.


The best addition to your current cybersecurity toolstack



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Game Only

Increase cyber risk knowledge within your team

  • Game

Per employee per month
Billed annually Jaarlijks gefactureerd

Included in Game Only:
  • 14-day free trial
  • Weekly challenges
  • Leaderboard & achievements
  • Learning Management System
  • Custom Challenges & Achievements
  • Secure connection & alerts
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