Simple passwords are the key to success for hackers. By creating strong passwords, we can deprive hackers of this key.
No payment information needed.
Employees in the Netherlands manage an average of 67 passwords per person. That’s no mean feat to remember them all! It is logical that we often choose the same passwords. However, the flip side of this story is that hackers only need to crack a few passwords to whiz through all an employee’s accounts.
123456 is the most used password worldwide. Not only do we know this, but hackers also know this too. Therefore, it is worth the gamble for hackers to give the password 123456 a try as soon as they set their sights on an employee’s account. After all, they have nothing to lose.
With strong passwords you protect your company and your team. But what is a strong password? We give a sneak preview.
123456, qwerty, and password are not strong passwords. Chances are that the passwords of several employees in your company are on this list.
Almost every account within your company requires a password. To prevent hackers from accessing all accounts, your team needs to know how to create a strong password.
Guardey’s Cybersecurity Awareness Training Platform trains your team to become experts in strong passwords, using gamification.
How do you assure that someone becomes motivated to learn new behavior? And stay involved during this process? Attaining sustainable behavioral change does not happen by itself. This demands a lot of training and repetition in practice. Our Security Awareness Training Platform offers a balanced learning experience that contributes to an environment in which constant improvement is central.
Avoid unpleasant situations by increasing your knowledge with our weekly challenges, which can be completed in 2-3 minutes.
With the leaderboard we encourage employees to remain involved.
Request a demo and we'll show you our cybersecurity awareness training platform and our learning management system where you can customize the learning experience.
Book demoTo stay motivated, employees can earn achievements by completing tasks.
See all the analytics in the dashboard. Employees can see their analytics, but as an admin, it is also possible to see the analytics of your company.
Set up and customize Guardey for your company or just for a specific group with policies.