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Make regular data backups


As an owner of an SME, you know every minute counts when running your business. But there’s one thing you can never pay too much attention to making a backup of your data.

The risks of not making backups

The accident is in a small corner. Hard drives crash, viruses and malware can get in, or even worse, human error causes problems. And if that happens without a backup, it can have hurtful consequences for your business. Just think of all the customer data, financial data and important documents that can be gone in one fell swoop. 

There are many risks associated with not backing up your data. Here are some of the main risks: 

  • Data loss: The most significant risk of not backing up is losing data. This can happen due to hard drive crashes, virus infection, human error or even natural disasters. If you don’t have backups, there’s no way to recover your data, and you could lose everything you’ve built.
  • Financial losses: Losing your data can cause immediate financial losses. Think of losing customer data, invoices, sales data, and other financial information.
  • Loss of productivity: Losing your data can also lead to a loss of productivity. You will have to spend time recovering your data rather than running your business.
  • Reputational damage: If your data is lost, this can also lead to reputational damage for your company. Customers will be concerned about the security of their data, and trust in your company may diminish.
  • Compliance Issues: Not making backups can also lead to compliance issues. Many industries are required to store and protect data in some way. Failure to make backups can result in fines or even legal problems.

If you have a backup, you have less to worry about. You can recover your data, get your business back on track and get on with what you were doing.

How to make a backup

Backing up is really not that hard. There are many ways to back up your data, from external hard drives to cloud-based solutions. Just choose the method that best suits your business and start backing up.

There are several ways to back up your data. Here are a few methods:

  • External hard drive: You can purchase an external hard drive and copy your data onto it. This is an easy way to make a backup, and you can easily take the hard drive with you on the road.
  • Cloud-based solutions: There are many cloud-based storage services you can use to back up your data, such as Google Drive, Dropbox, iCloud etc. These services are often free or available at a price.
  • Backup software: There are also many programs specifically designed to make backups. These programs back up your data automatically and also allow you to select specific files or folders to back up.

It is important to remember that backing up is only one step in the data protection process. It is also meaningful to regularly test and update backups to ensure that data is always up-to-date and secure. 

Regularly test your backup 

Backing up is one thing, but testing your backup is just as important. Because if you never check whether your backup really works, it’s like you don’t have a backup. So make sure you regularly test your backup to ensure your data is safe. 

Testing your backup is substantial for several reasons:

  • Assurance that the backup works: By testing your backup, you can be sure that it was done correctly and that your data is stored safely. This gives you the peace of mind of knowing that your data can be recovered if something goes wrong.
  • Identification of problems: Testing your backup will help you identify and fix any issue before an emergency occurs. This could be technical problems such as corrupted files or lack of storage space in the backup location.
  • Up-to-date data: Testing your backup ensures that the backup contains the most recent data. This is important because an old backup is of little value if the data is out of date.
  • Compliance: Some industries are required to regularly test backups for regulatory compliance. This applies, for example, to companies in healthcare or financial services that have to meet specific data storage requirements.
  • Time savings: By regularly testing your backup, you can quickly resolve any problems before they get out of hand. This can save time and money in the event of an emergency.

In general, testing your backup is a crucial step in the data protection process. It gives you peace of mind that your data is safe, helps identify and resolve issues, and ensures that you’re compliant. So be sure to regularly test your backup to ensure you always have a plan B if something goes wrong.

In this blog, we’ve discussed the importance of backups for SMBs, how to back them up, and why testing them is so important. Don’t wait any longer to make backups to protect your business.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is gamification?

Gamification is adding game elements into non-game environments, such as security awareness training, to increase participation and foster active learning.

What are the benefits of gamification in security awareness training?

Traditional security awareness training can often be dry and boring. With gamification, the complex subject matter is transformed into an engaging and memorable experience.

By integrating game elements such as challenges, quizzes and rewards, it incentivizes users to actively learn. This makes the training more enjoyable and fosters a sense of competition and achievement. This combination drives better retention and application of cyber security knowledge.

Why is it important to train security awareness on a weekly basis?

Research shows that up to 90% of the learnings from yearly or even quarterly training are forgotten within a few weeks. Guardey was built to keep its users aware of cyber threats 365 days a year. The game comes with short, weekly challenges that slowly builds up the user’s knowledge and eventually drives lasting behavior change.

Which topics are covered in Guardey’s security awareness game?

Guardey covers a wide array of topics to train users about all currently relevant cyber threats, put together in collaboration with ethical hackers and educationalists. The topics covered include phishing, remote work, password security, CEO fraud, ransomware, smishing, and much more.

How much time do the weekly challenges take?

Every challenge takes up to three minutes to complete.

Can I use Guardey to comply with the ISO27001, NIS2, and GDPR security awareness policies?

Yes. ISO27001, NIS2, and GDPR all require that all employees receive appropriate security awareness training. Guardey is always up-to-date with the latest cyber threats, policies, and procedures.

Is security awareness training important for all employees, or just specific roles?

Cybersecurity awareness training is crucial for all employees, not just specific roles. Every staff member can potentially be a target or an unwitting entry point for cyber attacks. Training helps create a security-focused culture and minimizes risks for the entire organization.

While certain roles may require specialized training, a foundational level of training should be accessible to everyone.

In which languages is Guardey available?

Guardey is available in English, Dutch, Italian, French, Spanish, German, Polish, Swedish and Danish.

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